Sunday 20 May 2012

A story of remarkable thighs

It’s a while since I updated the blog and I’d like to report that training has been progressing nicely. In a wonderful display of Britishness, the announcement of a water shortage and hosepipe ban in the South of England heralded the wettest April since ‘records began’. It was therefore with some amusement that I read a letter in the newspaper written by some chap asking whether he would be breaking the law if he were to use his hosepipe to pump the flood water out of his garden.

So on 22nd April it was waterproofs out and off to Devizes in Wiltshire. Our route took us through Wickham and Marlborough and then a loop south of Devises bringing us into the town for breakfast after 60 miles. The peddle back was uneventful getting us home after 113 miles, all at a modest 14.5mph.
For the May Bank Holiday weekend we planned an excursion to Dorset. The idea was to take the scenic route down to Swanage where we would spend the night with Harley’s Dad and return home the following day. We set off before 06:00 on Sunday, a lovely morning and the first day in cycling shorts of the year, for me anyway. We headed South, through the tranquil New Forest and stopped for breakfast at Fordingbridge. We then turned west towards Blandford Forum, a place that always makes me feel slightly apprehensive as it’s home to my old school although on this occasion, a peddle through the school grounds brought back happy memories of rowing, rugby matches and nefarious practices in the woods involving bra straps and Fisherman’s Friends.
We left Blandford and headed South towards the ‘Jurassic Coast’. This spectacular 95 mile coastline which runs from Exmouth in East Devon to Old Harry Rocks at Studland in Dorset is England's first natural world heritage site and is a quite, quite beautiful part of the country. At Lulworth Cove we stopped for chocolate and then headed east along the coast towards Swanage.

And then the event.. “Just a moment” says Chris, “my f***ing gear cables snapped’ and did we have a replacement? Did we hell! The only solution was to rig up a fixed gear arrangement and press on. Now for those of you who know this part of the world, there’s no shortage of hills and the notion that Mr. Prietzel’s thighs were up to this challenge with no working gears certainly filled Graham, Harley and I with a healthy degree of scepticism. How wrong we were, Chris stood up on those peddles, ground up those hills and frankly it was all the rest of us could do to keep up. Indeed, so intimidated were we by this macho display that under Graham’s expert direction we added a couple of large but completely unnecessary hills near Kimmeridge just to try and level the playing field; but it didn’t seem to make any difference, round Corfe Castle, up Kingston Hill, Chris was turning those peddles like a man possessed.

We stopped at one of my favourite pubs in the world, The Square & Compass in Worth Matravers where the beer was so powerful, it soothed aching limbs and provided exactly the fuel we needed to get us smoothly if a little unsteadily the few remaining miles to our destination.

We got to Swanage at 18:30 after 135 miles to a fabulously warm welcome from Peter Bell, Harley’s Dad who was ready with the beer and sympathy. After a swim and a huge chilli cooked by Sue Burfoot and Alison Bell it was time to see if we could do anything with Chris’s gear cable. Graham advocated trying a combination of specialist knots, perfected during his time in the Navy but on balance, we thought that finding a bike shop the following day was probably a better alternative.

Early on Bank Holiday Monday we set off for the return journey, Chris permanently in 4th gear and seemingly quite comfortable with the arrangement. Shortly after crossing Poole Harbour on the Sandbanks Ferry, the rain started to lash down and with every bike shop we passed firmly shut, we pressed on for home with Chris staying in the same gear for the entire 105 miles – respect!

For the weekend of the 12th and 13th May we all had different commitments but managed to get some good rides in, Graham had to go down to a party in Kent 100 miles away, Harley and Chris completed a 114 mile loop to Reigate in Surrey and I did a 110 ride returning to Brackley in Northamptonshire and breakfast with my brother before returning home via Steeple Clayton, Thame at an average of 17 mph – getting fitter!

Two weeks to go!

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